RebootEx allows you to have different power options for your computer. You can shutdown, restart, log off, or shutdown your computer at a scheduled time, and shutdown a remote computer from the same network. There is also a Relogon check box that allows you to log on to your computer after using shutdown or reboot, if activated.
For shooting down a remote computer you need to know the computer’s name, and have a valid user and password.
The Schedule Shutdown is the only option that gives you 25 seconds to cancel the shutdown operation.
All the program options can be accessed from the RebootEx's main window or from the icon added to the system tray - the Main Window is automatically hidden when minimized, but it can be accessed again from said icon. Besides that, you can use RebootEx as a command in the Windows Command Line, or use RebootEx from a script.
If you use RebootEx as a command, you can use more functions: you can allow the currently running programs to be finished gracefully; force to end all the applications immediately when activating any of the shutdown, reboot, or logoff options. You can shutdown/restart and log on with a user providing its user name and password besides locking the computer after log on. You can also set a timer in seconds to restart, shutdown, or logoff.